Deep within Earth, there lies a mysterious layer called the D" layer. Located roughly 3,000 kilometers down, this zone sits just above the boundary between the planet's molten outer core and its ...
This article was originally published with the title “ The Plastic Layer of the Earth's Mantle ” in Scientific American Magazine Vol. 207 No. 1 (July 1962), p. 52 doi:10.1038 ...
Many parts of Earth are covered and protected by a layer of organisms called a biocrust. The layer acts as a skin for the Earth, protecting landscapes and reducing long-term damage. But climate ...
If you like the smell of spring roses, the sounds of summer birdsong, and the colors of fall foliage, you have the stabilization of the ozone layer to thank for it. Located in the stratosphere, where ...
The hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica only grew to 22 million square kilometres this year, the smallest observed since 2019 The annual hole in Earth's ozone layer closed at the beginning of ...