The Ashera cat is considered the most expensive cat breed in the world, with prices reaching up to USD 100,000 or more. This is due to its rarity and the fact that it is a hybrid breed, created by ...
Discover 15 large domestic cat breeds that you will love to cuddle ... while others may prefer to be the only pet in the ...
These spotted cat breeds will fill your home with love - even though some of them are closely related to wild cats!
While the International Cat Association recognizes 71 unique breeds of cats, these purebreds only represent about 5% of the ...
Persians are definitely one of the long-haired cat breeds. This means that this breed sheds a lot. They have a long and super ...
From their glittery fur to their spunky personalities. This is everything you need to know about caring for Bengal cats ...
Besides their size, cat breeds pretty much look the same. Turns out, there are 190 recognized dog breeds in the US and only 42 cat breeds. So why don't cat breeds have the same extremes in size ...
Owning a cat can help children develop patience and compassion. Various kid-friendly cat breeds include Abyssinian ... in the smallest of apartments. Many pet owners prefer dogs to cats because ...
Let's talk about a delightful and often overlooked member of the feline family: the Scottish Straight cat. These charming, ...
In many ways they are the perfect family cat as they will tolerate children of all ages and even get on with the family dog ... of breeds, the oriental shorthair has the typical large ears ...