Some great thinkers at Xerox PARC, the place where, among other things, the computer mouse was invented, developed principles they called Calm Technology. When we surround ourselves with ...
Available now for anyone to download and install, Opera Air offers exercises, mindful breaks, and guided meditations to not only ease your mind but also stretch your body.
Keep going until they feel calmer ... “Many children find these sounds relaxing and listening to them can help a child feel calm enough to fall asleep". Doodling can help relieve stress by ...
14 best mindfulness apps to help you keep calm during a crisis Story by Lydia Willgress and Emilie Lavinia • 2w O ver the past couple of years mindfulness has exploded in popularity.
Today, I write to help you reframe this moment by looking ... courage over comfort and to “keep calm and carry on.” Management experts Jim Collins and Morten T. Hansen studied over 20,000 ...