Karate Kid: Legends is set to combine the worlds – and martial arts – of Netflix spin-off series Cobra Kai, the original Karate Kid movies, and the 2010 remake, starring Jackie Chan and Jaden Smith.
Which is the best Karate Kid project around? At the very least, there's a pretty clear winner when it comes to their scores on IMDb.
The Karate Kid: Legends timeline reveals how long after Cobra Kai the movie will take place. The sixth film in the franchise, directed by Jonathan Entwistle and written by Rob Lieber, features the ...
Karate Kid: Legends is bridging the gap between Karate Kid and Cobra Kai. Your comment has not been saved This thread is open for discussion. Be the first to post your thoughts. Netflix's new ...
Karate Kid: Legends merges multiple films into one shared universe, featuring Ralph Macchio and Jackie Chan. The film focuses on the blend of karate and kung fu, exploring their connection through ...