Network meta-analysis is a general approach to integrate the results of multiple studies in which multiple treatments are compared, often in a pairwise manner. In this tutorial, we illustrate the ...
Meta-analysis and systematic reviews are essential ... providing researchers with the necessary tools to conduct network meta-analyses efficiently. This package is designed to accommodate various ...
MetaNorm is a normalization procedure for Nanostring nCounter datasets. Please refer to our paper for more details. Besides the R helper as well as the vignette we provide along with the package, we ...
A meta-search engine is a web-based service that sends your query to several other search engines and aggregates the results. It does not have its own index or database, but rather acts as an ...
Alternative methods for dealing with within trial clustering have been proposed for conducting individual participant data (IPD) ‘one-stage’ meta-analysis. Does it matter which one is used? Will it ... Aims: To determine whether family and parenting interventions benefit children and adolescents with conduct disorder and delinquency. Methods: Meta-analysis of eight randomised controlled ...