A lamp holder is fixed into the base and wired ... and we’re thinking this would make an awesome mashup.
It should take around 30 seconds, but eventually you will start to see a reaction between the vitamin C tablet and the water, creating bubbles similar to a lava lamp. Make sure you check with an ...
A modern living room is decorated with pink, red, and white hearts for Valentine's Day - Pixel-Shot/Shutterstock ...
I do not say this lightly (pun intended), but out of all the social media DIYs I've tried, this one is the literal best.
[Becky] bought a lamp to use at home, but it’s very bulky and must be plugged into the wall. She knew there was a better way and devised her DIY UV mini manicure lamp. She really thought of ...
Our next guest really knows how to light up a room, because they make lamps! Kris Kelly creations was started in 2012 out of a personal tragedy for kris that became a beautiful ...