What better way to end than with some examples of said beauty and utility? After all that reading, we'll leave you with a few glamour shots of our favorite nebula: Messier 16, better known as the ...
Find the best telescopes to unlock the wonders of the night sky and view lunar occultations, celestial conjunctions and planetary parades in January. "There are telescopes tailored to all sorts of ...
The magnificent Andromeda galaxy (Messier 31), stands out as the most important nearby stellar island to our Milky Way, and can be seen with the naked eye on a clear autumn night as “a faint ...
His research led to the New General Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars (NGC), which was initially an index of 7,840 astronomical objects such as galaxies, star clusters and emission nebulas.
Galaxies like the Milky Way grow by merging with smaller galaxies over billions of years, unlike dwarf galaxies, which have long been thought to lack the heft to attract mass and grow in the same way.