Lizzie was voiced by British-Australian actress and singer Dame Olivia Newton-John. Lizzie, the frill-necked Lizard, was designed by Matthew Hattan and Jozef Szekeres. The name of the mascot was ...
The park is famous for its reptiles, the most awesome of which is the dangerous Australian Saltwater crocodile, found patrolling waterways throughout much of the park. Frill-necked lizards are ...
Tiwi Land Council Chairman Gibson Farmer Illortaminni holds the frilled neck lizard artefact that was carved by his grandfather. Source: SBS News / Laetitia Lemke ...
frill-necked lizards framing the front entrance and a skylight in the foyer featuring a stylised platypus. These details are a window into its past as the National Museum of Australian Zoology, later ...
frill-necked lizards framing the front entrance and a skylight in the foyer featuring a stylised platypus. These details are a window into its past as the National Museum of Australian Zoology, later ...