New research shows that slow, silent stress buildup and fault geometry are crucial in triggering earthquakes A new study has ...
By extending the principles of fracture mechanics, the researchers incorporated the finite width of fault interfaces, a factor often overlooked in traditional models. "Our findings challenge and ...
The extended finite element method (XFEM) has been developed for modeling arbitrary discontinuities in finite elements. This method enables evolving discontinuites to be treated without remeshing. One ...
By extending the principles of fracture mechanics, the researchers incorporated the finite width of fault interfaces, a factor often overlooked in traditional models. "Our findings challenge and ...
Finite Element Methods (FEM) are powerful numerical techniques used to solve complex engineering problems, particularly in the fields of fracture mechanics and sensitivity analysis. These methods ...
This two-day course will focus on fatigue and fracture from the point of view of individuals performing fatigue analysis for the design of new bridges and evaluation and retrofit of existing bridges.
In this course, students will develop a comprehensive understanding of the fracture of soft materials and experimental approaches to measure the fracture properties of soft materials. There are weekly ...
Their daily activities involve micromechanics, fracture mechanics, modeling of nonlinear and dissipative processes in materials, contact and impact mechanics, finite elements modeling, discrete ...
His research also advances the fundamental understanding of the underlying mechanics of fracture in multifunctional biological and synthetic composite materials. He also integrates computational ...