Researchers say they have identified a new species of ancient hominin, Homo juluensis, that could help solve another big ...
Scientists suggest meat consumption was pivotal to humans' development of larger brains, but the transition probably didn't ...
The 20,000-year-old fossilized bones of "Ushikawa Man," thought to be some of Japan's most ancient human fossils, are not ...
Romania is making strides in the archaeological world after new evidence confirmed the presence of ancient hominins in the ...
Research reveals new evidence of early hominin activity in Europe, suggesting that hominins were present on the continent far earlier than previously thought.
Fossilized bones discovered decades ago and hailed at the time as the oldest human remains found in Japan turn out to be from ...
New research shows Australopithecus ate mostly plants, challenging theories about early human diets, meat, and evolution.
A recent scientific paper published in the Nature Communications journal revealed evidence of “hominin activity” dating back ...
The incorporation of meat into the diet was a milestone for the human evolutionary lineage, a potential catalyst for advances ...
Chemicals in the tooth enamel of Australopithecus suggest the early human ancestors ate very little meat, dining on vegetation instead.
An ancient fossilized forest in Montana is reemerging 600 feet higher than the present-day tree line after spending the last ...