Can fish feel pain? The debate rages among scientists as to whether fish do, in fact, feel pain or are just reacting ...
Fishermen in Tamil Nadu’s Thanjavur district cut their nets to free a trapped 6-ft, 400-kg dugong after learning it was an ...
Male seahorses carry and give birth to their young, expelling them from their pouch via their mouths. Some goby fish species give birth to their young in their mouths, where they remain until they are ...
The find was made by an amateur fossil hunter on the Cliffs of Stevns, which offers “exceptional evidence” of the meteorite ...
The fish is thought to have chewed up and spit out some unlucky sea creatures, resulting in this unique fossil.
Gulls and terns studied in known polluted shoreline areas had a host of worse health and reproductive outcomes than those in ...
The greatest number of animals stolen in Sutton were fish. Over 10 years, 64 fish were reported stolen. The second greatest were dogs, with 43 reported stolen. The third greatest were cats, with 25 ...