Initially, the electron–hole pair sticks together in a state known as an exciton. But eventually, the electron and hole recombine, emitting light in the process. In normal photoluminescence ...
Scientists at YOKOHAMA National University, in collaboration with RIKEN and other institutions in Japan and Korea, have made ...
Researchers have unlocked a new way to manipulate electrons in molecules with terahertz light, paving the way for faster ...
This creates an exciton – a tiny energy packet in the molecule that can emit the light. This process is key to technologies like solar cells, where excitons help convert sunlight into ...
Un exciton est, en physique, une quasi-particule que l'on peut voir comme une paire électron-trou liée par des forces de Coulomb. Une analogie souvent utilisée consiste à comparer l'électron et le ...
This loss of efficiency at high current densities has been linked to high levels of interaction between excitons, which cause a process known as exciton-exciton annihilation (EEA). Essentially ...
Scientists have found a way to control electrons in molecules using tailor-made terahertz light pulses, offering new ...