[Sharon Wanga, Standard] The Kenya Union of the Blind has unveiled an advanced smart ... People will notice that you are visually impaired and give you away. If you do not use a white cane you ...
He co-­developed the ­WeWALK—a smart cane that detects objects above chest level and pairs with apps, such as Google Maps—to help the 250 million visually impaired and blind people worldwide ...
WeWalk introduced a new version of its smart cane for people with visual impairments ... Co-founder Kursat Ceylan, who has been blind since birth, says Smart Cane 2 can make mobility easier ...
The London-based startup also has a partnership with the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) that kicks off in February, when the organization will start using the WeWalk Smart Cane 2 for ...