Compute approximations to Fourier transforms of continuous-time signals with finite discrete time methods. Take advanced courses in signal processing (image, speech, audio, etc.), communications, ...
This module builds upon the signal processing theory introduced in ECS515 Signals and Systems Theory module. The aim of the course is to introduce you to the advanced concepts of processing signals ...
To study the application of digital signal processing to problems in image processing. Topics covered will range from the fundamentals of 2-D signals and systems, to image enhancement, restoration and ...
These systems do not have noisy components in its implementation. The logic in such system does not implement mathematical algorithms. In digital signal processing, the logic is implemented through ...
This course covers the basic theory of digital signal processing. Sampling theory, discrete time signals and systems, and transform methods - Z transform and Fourier series and transforms - are ...
The RS151 music streamer uses a new DAC design and a new CPU, among other improvements, in pursuit of reference-level sound.
This course delivers a thorough, methodical and wide-ranging education in communication, signal processing and microwave engineering. It covers in-depth materials including digital communication, ...
This MSc covers a range of advanced topics related to wireless communications and communications-related signal processing, including associated enabling technologies. It provides an excellent ...