A recent Anti-Defamation League (ADL) report revealed that at least 85% of Americans believe an anti-Jewish myth, or ‘trope” ...
We all have an internal list of those we still don't understand, let alone appreciate. We all have biases, even prejudices, toward specific groups. In our workshops we ask people to gather in ...
As a proud childless cat lady, I've found that I have a greater capacity for different types of friendships ... I'm an active participant in my Buy Nothing group, where I've been deemed "The ...
therefore Alaskan Native groups have had somewhat different historical experiences through their contact with Europeans and Americans. In 1899, the Harriman Expeditions met people from the Aleut ...
Conflict means different things to different people and there are various types of conflict. In basic terms conflict is a serious disagreement or argument. Conflict usually happens between people ...
You and your grandparents will identify with slightly different sets of cultural groups. The way we speak is a good example. Most people in Northern Ireland speak English, but we speak it ...
"Democracy, certainly from the grassroots up, depends on an informed citizenry who are in dialog with one another." ...