Directed by Rishab Seth, produced by Aditya Dhar and Lokesh Dhar of B62 Studios, and Jyoti Deshpande of Jio Studios, Dhoom Dhaam follows the story of newlyweds Koyal and Veer. It also stars Prateik ...
The teaser for the action-comedy 'Dhoom Dhaam', which stars actors Yami Gautam and Pratik Gandhi, was unveiled on Monday. Taking to its official Instagram account, Netflix shared the teaser with ...
(MENAFN- IANS) Mumbai, Jan 25 (IANS) Director Rishab Seth has recently opened up about why Yami Gautam was the perfect choice for his upcoming film "Dhoom Dhaam." In an exclusive interview with ...
Director Rishab Seth praises Yami Gautam as the perfect choice for his film 'Dhoom Dhaam,' citing her versatility and dedication. He explains how her performance brings depth to the character and ...