The rupture in the shared deep history of the baboon–human relationship came with the shift from hunter-gatherer lifeways to sedentary crop farming (starting about 1,000 years ago). Baboons ...
They just use different vocabularies. FM: You’ve argued that the brain can be a helpful tool to use to shed light on history, and on deep history particularly. Can you explain how biology can ...
Here's what happened when I asked ChatGPT deep research to explore my ancestry and how to try it for yourself.
Filmmaker Cazhhmere is a 7th-generation black Canadian. Despite this deep history, she’s constantly asked to explain where she’s from — even though the answer is always “Canada.” ...
At the end of 2019, in the English countryside, Australian playwright David Finnigan began writing a play about the six turning points that have brought us to this moment in time—our ecosystems ...
Marcin Wichary, the author of Shift Happens — an exhaustively researched, beautifully designed and photographed history of the keyboard — is back with a deep dive into Gorton, a font found on ...
“So I wanted to bring history to life to make it more impactful and visual so that people could really engage with it more.” The app projects a miniature model of Deep Ellum and a detailed ...