Tense Adventure Crash N. Tense Adventure, a 2D Crash Bandicoot fangame, inspired by the original Playstation 1 Crash games. Exactly what you'd expect from a Crash game, single player classic ...
While you ponder which is the better choice, check out this surprisingly entertaining recap of Crash Bandicoot’s history so far: Crashiversary retails for $119.99 and Quadrilogy sells for $89.99 ...
Crash Bandicoot: Warped was released in 1998 for the Sony PlayStation. The game also released ... (Warp Room 3), complete the ...
Shuhei Yoshida first joined Sony back during 1993 before the first PlayStation shipped. Now, over three decades later, he’s ...
Astro Bot inspired a resurgence in modern platformers, including Crash Bandicoot 4 and Sackboy ... Upon the launch of the PlayStation 5, Sumo Digital released Sackboy: A Big Adventure.