Continued from [Task 6] ReactJS Router Case study: Implementasi pengujian komponen (Component Testing) dan ...
In this repo, we'll use vitest, @testing-library/svelte, and svelte-htm to test Svelte components that seemed to be hard to test. Such as two-way bindings, name slots, Context API, ...etc. As a Svelte ...
Definition: Component testing, also known as program or module testing, is done after unit testing. In this type of testing those test objects can be tested independently as a component without ...
However, to ensure the quality and reliability of your React components, you need to test them thoroughly. Enzyme and Jest are two tools that can help you do that. Enzyme is a testing utility that ...
Abstract: This chapter discusses the testing of spacecraft components and subsystems. It includes requirements and clarification, derived requirements, testing approaches and types, potential ...