Bioluminescence is light produced by an organism ... Their body glows a blue rainbow color that protects them from predators.
Additionally, some of the deep-sea inhabitants targeted for food by the bloody-belly comb jelly possess the ability to be bioluminescent; that is, they can produce their own light. The red gut of ...
Some jellyfish can also generate their own light, called bioluminescence – further adding to their otherworldly beauty ... They belong to a group called Medusozoa which is divided into four classes: ...
In 79 AD, Pliny recorded the first human use of bioluminescence as a kind of torch, by rubbing a stick against jellyfish slime. However, only recently has bioluminescence become a science ...
According to the National Geographic, bioluminescence is light produced ... In Florida, dinoflagellates (plankton) and comb ...