China has tripled the amount of time visitors can spend in the country without a visa in yet another move to entice more ...
The Tianshan Shengli Tunnel, the world's longest expressway tunnel, completed tunneling Monday morning, paving the way for ...
《科创板日报》12月29日讯(记者 徐赐豪),今年5月,正在环球旅行的外国姑娘Elise来到湖南,开启为期一周的长沙和张家界之旅。她说:“我结识了一群超棒的同行伙伴,品尝了一些令人赞不绝口的美食,也看到了美不胜收的风景!” ...
Spring Airlines, a Chinese budget carrier, resumed its direct flights from Xi'an, northwest China's Shaanxi Province, to ...
“China Travel” 正当时,免签,旅游,travel,china ...
🌿🐼 Do you know which precious species China has? From giant pandas and golden snub-nosed monkeys to ginkgo trees and Chinese white dolphins. China is one of the most biologically diverse countries i ...
参考消息12月18日报道(文/王缅)17日,一则消息迅速火遍网络,过境免签144小时变240小时了。从2024年12月17日起,中国72/144小时过境免签政策成为历史。政策适用口岸总数从原有的39个增加至60个。政策适用人员在允许的区域内,还可以跨 ...
你被中国运动员的拼搏意志震撼了多少次? 你被中国队的团结精神感动了多少次? 你被TEAM CHINA的硬实力惊艳了多少次? 六个关键词 让你重新认识TEAM CHINA 2024巴黎奥运会 中国队拿下40枚金牌、总计91枚奖牌 ...