Birds are responding fast to environmental changes and their population changes have been monitored for a long time. This makes them good indicators species. Habitats and their quality are changing ...
Carrion crows and humans line up patiently, waiting for the traffic to halt. When the lights change, the birds hop in front of the cars and place walnuts, which they picked from the adjoining ...
Speaking for the birds: Why we need them and they need us Deb Haaland: Learn from the past | Miyoko Chu: Desert birds at risk | Scott Weidensaul: Changes in migration | Clay Henderson: Bird count ...
The birds' response indicates that changes in their song may result from a sensitive system of trial and error: a song is constantly relearned (though usually within a limited range), and birds ...
Deb Haaland: Learn from the past | Miyoko Chu: Desert birds at risk | Scott Weidensaul: Changes in migration | Clay Henderson: Bird count warnings | Rodney Siegel: The value of parks | Amy Davis ...