These teachings impact Buddhists’ daily life and tell them how they can change their future through their actions in the present. Metta close mettaThe Buddhist term for loving kindness.
The life and adventures of a Chinese monk who made a 17-year journey to bring Buddhist teachings from India to China. Xuanzang subsequently became a main character in the great Chinese epic Journey to ...
These teachings can be applied in all areas of life, including family and relationships. A mother and child making an offering to a boy monk at a temple in Thailand. The early Buddhist scriptures ...
Figueres, the architect of the 2015 Paris climate agreement, has been helping people around the world understand the teachings of Buddhist monk and peace activist Thích Nhất Hạnh.
Through the pair’s casual exchanges and witty banter, readers can deepen their understanding of Buddhist teachings, Kondo explains. In an installment that explores the Buddhist “hige-man ...
“It teaches standard lessons, though the device may look strange,” he said. “The idea is interesting because temples can reach out to even those who formerly were not curious about Buddhism ...