Bata India Chairman Uday Khanna said: “We have plans to open 100 stores a year and would close 25 to 30 which are either at wrong place or not making profits. We tend to continue to keep this pace.
3, Bata Shoe Museum in Toronto is set to debut a new exhibit entitled "Art/Wear: Sneakers x Artists." The museum explains that this showcase examines "the growing trend of artists engaging in ...
Look at the medieval knight’s “sabaton”, or guest may prefer to admire exquisite silk-embellished evening shoes from times ... of Toronto Design Award, the Bata Shoe Museum offers a dramatic ...
Source: Straatosphere Source: Vans Today, the 1977 Bata x Wilson x John Woodens remains "one of the most sought-after sneakers by sneaker collectors," according to Semmelhack. She wrote that the ...
For the best experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser settings. Bata Africa President Alberto Errico Global shoe manufacturing company Bata Shoe Kenya is ...
The company has tied up with the shoe company Bata Heritage to come up with a new collection of shoes which literally has Coca Cola prints on a shoe! Calling it the “iconic capsule collection ...