GENTLE READER: Setting the table in full would be Miss Manners’ choice, to avoid forcing your friend to respond to others ...
Despite the chaos and messiness of medieval mealtimes, some basic etiquette prevailed ... of the medieval period toward hygiene, table manners were not born in a vacuum. In Italy, the culture ...
Dear Miss Manners: We have a longtime friend, and now neighbor, who cannot consume food orally due to extensive cancer ...
This is one of the basic rules of table manners. You may ask, is table etiquette really important? I would definitely say yes. It’s not only about table manners; it shows your upbringing and ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: When I was in college, a friend’s family graciously opened their home to me for a couple of months while I worked a summer job near their home, which was an hour from my ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: Whether at home, at another person’s house or in a restaurant, what does one do when food from one’s plate drops on the table? GENTLE READER: Although she is inclined to ...