Anupamaa created much buzz after a leap was announced. The show underwent major changes in terms of the cast. One of the new faces who joined, playing a vital role, is Aurra Bhatnagar. She plays ...
An actor on the sets of Anupamaa is celebrating her birthday today and the star cast shared a cute video to wish her.
Anupamaa undergoes a significant cast transformation with new plot twists involving a love triangle between Prem, Rahi, and ...
In the latest TRP report for week 3 of 2025, Anupamaa reclaims the top spot, dethroning Udne Ki Aasha after a month. Bigg ...
Since the mother and daughter would be treated like servants by the Kothari family members and Parag Kothari will be seen ...
From cast exits to behind-the-scenes ... with the makers introducing a 15-year leap to focus on new lead characters. “Rupali Ganguly will be quitting Anupamaa in the next three months.
Image Source : INSTAGRAM Rupali Ganguly-starrer Anupamaa first aired in 2020 ... The makers introduced a big 15-year leap to introduce new lead characters like Shivam Khajuria and Adrija Roy.
According to a report in Times Now, "Rupali Ganguly will be quitting Anupamaa in the next three months. The makers introduced a big 15-year leap to introduce new lead characters like Shivam ...
Actor Rupali Ganguly also spoke about allegations that she gets insecure about her co-stars in the hit TV show, Anupamaa. Rupali Ganguly in a still image from the latest episode of Anupamaa.