ADAM:'Our ants eat fungus but some animals eat ants ... the soil which helps plants to grow, which means more animals can live in the area. This increase in diversity close to the colony has ...
The resin of conifer trees contains antibiotic chemicals and is harvested by the European wood ant to disinfect their nests. A large nest can contain up to 20kg of resin. Ants live in colonies ...
Tarantulas are hairy so that the army ants cleaning their homes don't eat them alive ... complex relationships between ...
The presence of wings indicates an ant’s fertility—ants with wings are either queens or the drones whose job it is to mate with them. Enthusiastically social insects, ants typically live in ...
Interloper animals that live in ant colonies are known as ant ... This brood parasite survives in an ant colony by eating dead insects and ant larvae. The team found that most of the behaviors ...
Interloper animals that live in ant colonies are known as ant guests ... In this new study, the team looked at a cricket ant species Myrmecophilus tetramorii. This brood parasite survives in an ant ...