Study Design Cross-sectional study. Objectives This study aimed to investigate whether measures of balance correlate with measures of ankle proprioception — ankle joint position sense and movement ...
For knee extension, no significant difference was noted among the three groups (p = 0.597). Conclusions: The elderly people who regularly practiced tai chi not only showed better proprioception at the ...
Specifically, a lower limb neuromotor control and the muscular-skeletal system will be explored to design a robotic interface for the ankle joint to study feet tapping muscular control and ...
After immobilization or surgery, physical therapy is necessary to regain mobility, stabilize and strengthen the supportive structures of the ankle, and fine-tune balance and proprioception with ...
One group will receive a standardized eight-week proprioceptive training program that has proven to be cost-effective to prevent recurrent ankle injuries, consisting of a balance board (machU/MSG ...