Tamil Nadu has announced a $1 million prize for decoding the ancient Indus Valley script, sparking global interest among ...
A local government in India is offering a $1 million prize to the first person who cracks the code of an ancient script found ...
The Indian state of Tamil Nadu is offering a $1 million bounty to experts who can successfully interpret the Indus Valley script.
What does this tell us? That ancient humans in India were creating art long before we thought civilization as we know it began. These paintings aren’t just pretty pictures—they’re a window ...
You don’t need to buy a lottery ticket to win a million dollars, thanks to an offer from Tamil Nadu, a state in southern ...
Harappa was an ancient urban settlement of the Bronze ... In the 19th and 20th centuries, archaeologists discovered traces of India's earliest civilization, one that developed in the fertile ...
Elon Musk welcomed top Indian entrepreneurs, including OYO founder Ritesh Agarwal, at SpaceX’s Starbase. He praised India’s ...
One of the most intriguing mysteries lies in the Intihuatana stone. Archaeologists believe it functioned as an astronomic ...